Sabtu, 14 Juni 2014




Game is something that can be played by certain rules so that there is the winner and loser in, usually in the context of game not serious or just for fun and entertainment purposes  and to make new friends. Online games  are computer games that are played by more than one person is done with the internet, and for gamers refreshing with playing game online is the best way and more fun than a walk or shopping.
Online games are divided into two types, namely web based games and text-based game. Web-based game is a game application that is placed on a server on the Internet where players only need internet access and a browser to access the game. So no need to install to play the game. While text-based games regarded as the initial bias of web based games. Text based games have been around a long time, at which time most of the computers is still low specification and hard to play games with great graphics, so that game players only interact with existing texts and a few pictures.
Usually the people who  playing game online are boys, but nowdays  fewer girls also played well. People who play game online are usually like a challenge and adventure. Some form of adventure game online like Seal Online, Dragon Nest, Ragnarok, Canaan and others. But there are war game in the game online such as Counter Strike, Battle Field and many more. People who play online games are proud of their hobby because better they played online game than do bad things, and the other reason which make them love to played online game is they felt people more recognized them especially when they have a great status at the game .
Sometimes from the game we played we can make money with sell some stuffs of ours, from the great level certainly but that is not the main purpose it is just a bonus. Playing online games is takes long time definitely because we need take much time  for leveling the game but that is depend on the games we playes, and the adventure games are the most make gamers wasted time to leveling.
The online games sometime like a drugs. From the online game that heard so fun and entertaining also have some effects, there are the good ( positive ) and the bad ( negative ) effect. I want to describe some effects below :
-          In the games has different difficulty in every level. For gerenal this game completely with the equipment, stuffs, rifle, map and character. To complete a level or defeating enemies efficient strategies are needed. Playing online games to train players to be able to win the game quickly, efficiently and produce more points.
-          Increasing concentrations capability. Gamers concentrations capability will increase because they have to complete some job for leveling, search the gaps that maybe skipped and monitor the course of the game. The more difficult a game it is increasingly required a high level of concentration.
-          Improving coordination of hand and eye. Research conducted at Manchester University and Central Lanchashire University stated that people who play games 18 hours a week or approximately two and a half hours per day may increase the coordination between eye and hand.
-          Improve English speaking skills a study found that gamers have the English language skills are better but do not take courses during school or college. Because they chat with other players from different countries.
-          Increasing knowledge about computers to be able to enjoy the game in comfort and excellent image quality of online games will try to find information about the specifications of the computer and internet connection can be used to play the game. Because the active computer users usually they will also learn computer troubleshooting and overclocking.
-          Improve typing skills typing ability has definitely improved since they use a keyboard and mouse to control the game.
-          Cause the strong addiction. Most of the games currently available are designed to be addictive players. Getting someone hooked on a game then the game get benefit from an increase in the purchase of gold / tool / characters and the like are increasing. But this is precisely the advantage manufacturers produce negative effect on the psychological health of game players.
-           Some gamers who are addicted to playing games trying to steal money by parents or often steal other players or the ID stuffs.
-          Speaking of rough and dirty. Whether this happens in the world or just in Indonesia, but as far as the I met in the place to play game / cybercafe in various cities. The online game players are often utter obscenities and rude while playing.
-          The neglect of events in the real world. Attachment to task completion time in the game and play it often makes sense cool abandoned activities. Time of worship, school, college or job tasks become dormant due to play games or think about it. Moreover, a lot of games that continue to run even when you offline.
-          Changes in diet and rest. Been there? Changes in patterns of rest and diet are plural occurs in gamers because of their reduced self-control. Make you have detrimental to health, sedentary in front of a computer for hours on clear negative impact on the body. Mealtimes become irregular and they often sleep in the morning in order to get happy hour (cheap internet at night-early morning).
-          Wasted the money to pay rent in a cybercafe  and buy  equipments / points / characters. For an internet connection, and upgrade home computer specifications.

So it is some information and my opinion about the game online / online games . All the games were fun and entertaining. But if we play it in excessive the unwanted bad things happen with ourselves, so we should be able to control ourselves and limit and the dividing of time.

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