Sari Ayu Tren
warna 2011
Indonesia the color of asia )
kepada setiap wanita di dunia untuk menggukan kosmetik sari ayu karena
merupakan pesona ragam budaya Indonesia yang membiaskan ragam warna kosmetik
asia dan dapat mempercantik wajah Indonesia dan asia.
Maskara Maybeline
Volume Express Hyper Curl
yang dapat membuat tebal dan lentik bulu mata dalam sekejap. Bulu mata lebih
tebal tampak penuh begitu lentik dalam sekejap . menjaga lentik bulu mata
hingga 18 jam.
Bedak march (
march face powder compact)
yang dapat membuat kulit wanita lebih sehat dengan awal cantik alami , dapat
membuat warna kulit wanita tampak alami seperti tidak menggunakan bedak yang tebal
Olay putih alami
( olay natural white )
wajah yang dapat membuat kulit wajah wanita tampak cerah menyeluruh dan tidak
akan mudah terhapus oleh air dan keringat.
Sabun badan
shinzui ( shinzui body soap )
badan yag dapet mencerahkan kulit putih setiap wanita tampak lebih putih
sehingga setiap wanita dapat mempunyai kulit putih mulus seperti wanita jepang.
Pond’s putih
sempurna ( pond’s flawless white )
kulit wanita yang dapat mencerahkan kulit dan dapat menyamarkan noda hitam di
wajah agar tampak lebih cantik merona
Pixy pembersih
cepat ( pixy cleaning express )
muka wanita yang berbahan dasar air dan bebas alkohol, dapat memberikan
kelembutan dalam membersihkan debu dan riasan di daerah sekitar mata , wajah ,
dan bibir tanpa membuat perih dan iritasi. Penggunaannya sangat praktis tanpa
harus membasuh muka dengan air terlebih dahulu.
Biore whitening
yang dapat digunakan oleh setiap kulit wanita karena penggunaannya ramah di
kulit sehingga dapat merasakan sensasi pijatan scrubnya. Aman untuk digunakan
setiap hari, dapat membuat kulit tampak lebih cerah , sehat , dan berseri .
Bedak maybeline
New York ( clear smooth pressed powder maybeline New York )
yang dapat membebaskan kulit tanpa berminyak seharian dalam menjalankan
aktivitas sehari-hari. Dapat menyamarkan noda hitam di wajah dan dapat menyerap
keringat sehingga bebas kilap seharian.
10. Silky girl lipstick
yang dapat membuat bibir tampak merona lebih alami mempesona, dapat menjaga
bibir lebih sehat setiap hari sehingga membuat bibir lebih cantik.
Sari Ayu Color
Trends 2011
(Exotic Indonesia
the color of asia)
explan to every woman in the world for use cosmetics from sari ayu because it is the enchantment of Indonesian cultural diversity , that refract the various color cosmetics asia and can beautify the face of Indonesia and asia.
22. Mascara Maybeline
Volume Express
Hyper Curl
Masakara that can make eyelashes
thicker and tapering in a flash. The eyelashes more thick look full in a flash.
Keep beautifull the eyelashes up to 18 hours
33. March face powder compact
Powder that
can make the skin more healthy women with
early natural beauty, can make skin look
natural like a woman doesn’t use a thick powder.
44. Olay Natural
Facial moisturizer that can make woman skin look bright thoroughly and it will not be easily erased by the water and sweat.
Facial moisturizer that can make woman skin look bright thoroughly and it will not be easily erased by the water and sweat.
5. Shinzui body
Body soap that
can brighten the whites look whiter every woman,
so each woman can
have white skin like
the Japanese women.
6.Pond's flawless white
woman skin moisturizer that can brighten the skin and can disguise a black stain on the face to appear more beautiful blush
7. Pixy cleaning express
Cleansing the face of woman that are water and alcohol-free, can provide a softness in cleaning dust and makeup in the area around the eyes, face, and lips without stinging and irritation. Its use is very practical without having to wash my face with water first.
8. Biore whitening scrub
Scrub that can be used by women as it use friendly to the skin so it can feel the sensation of massage scrubnya. Safe for use every day, can make the skin look brighter, healthier, and radiant.
9. clear smooth pressed powder maybeline New York
Powder that can free skin without a greasy all day in carrying out daily activities. Can disguise a black stain on the face and can absorb sweat so that free shine all day.
10. Silky lipstick girl
Lipstick can make the lips look more natural blush enchanting, can maintain a healthier lips every day that makes the lips more beautiful.
woman skin moisturizer that can brighten the skin and can disguise a black stain on the face to appear more beautiful blush
7. Pixy cleaning express
Cleansing the face of woman that are water and alcohol-free, can provide a softness in cleaning dust and makeup in the area around the eyes, face, and lips without stinging and irritation. Its use is very practical without having to wash my face with water first.
8. Biore whitening scrub
Scrub that can be used by women as it use friendly to the skin so it can feel the sensation of massage scrubnya. Safe for use every day, can make the skin look brighter, healthier, and radiant.
9. clear smooth pressed powder maybeline New York
Powder that can free skin without a greasy all day in carrying out daily activities. Can disguise a black stain on the face and can absorb sweat so that free shine all day.
10. Silky lipstick girl
Lipstick can make the lips look more natural blush enchanting, can maintain a healthier lips every day that makes the lips more beautiful.